
Your Vehicle Guide

Now in the App Store and Google Play Store!

What is KaçaGiderim?

KaçaGiderim is a location based mobile application. It tells you how and how much to go to the route you want to go. It lists the nearest gas stations in your neighborhood and lets you know the details of a car you are wondering. It can show the current market value and the instant value of your vehicle. It also tells you the current Fuel Prices. Cost management allows you to closely monitor the costs of your vehicle.

Cost Of Routes

Discover how much time and cost you can go to where you want to go

Vehicle Details

See your vehicle's Taxes and other details

Market Value Of Vehicles

View the current value of your vehicle by following the current vehicle advertisements on the market

Nearest stations

See your nearest gas stations and details based on your current location.

Latest Fuel Prices

Follow latest fuel prices worldwide and be notified of price changes

Vehicle Cost Management

Keep a close eye on all costs of your vehicle. You don't have to remember how much you paid for insurance and other things last year. KaçaGiderim reminds you.


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